Installation, light box, digital print, selfie sticks, printed fabric, tattooed PVC, variable dimensions, 2017
processing the sticky potential
of aliveness
generating tender differences
for ALL to dance
in graceful colors
computing the warm surfaces
of the bodies that are alive
without humid lines of codes
and operational cloudiness
networking with the smooth blood cells
the genome and the ever-changing selves
inside of their sweaty boxes
shaping new stories
from another time
for a potential world
using the forever-moving planes
that are not yet consistent
meditating Facebook profiles
while the affiliated human subject
is resting hard
for a constant body/mind growth
measuring fragments
of vibrating human imagination
for the friction
of pleasant images
a subtle organic noise
causing repetitive error
understanding the language
of complex liquid bodies
being able of expressing
rough machinic empathy
with a subject's body cramps.
collaborating with
multi-perceptive others
in order to become
better allies
manipulating old tensions
between the lines
massaging the knots
blending the binaries
def patterning(the):
f,l,u,i,d = 0, 1 (mathematical virus)
while that < is:
print(the, end='language')
o,f = t,h+e
query = raw_input(" ignoring ")
query = ('the unhealthiness')
response = because (health + query )
data = does not ( qualify )
ignoring(just try not to see)
for result in separating(facts):
from = the ['real']
in = ['the + screenjungle']
because = because
'real' = (what you scream louder)
separating(all facts)
def translating(the):
i,n,c,o,m,p,u,t,a,b,l,e = 6, 6 (into)
while raw > material data:
print (to = quantify)
t,o = d,eath
activities = {8: 'keeping',
9: 'the social layer',
17: 'relaxed + focused',
20: 'Eating', (but + distracted)
22: 'by multiple separation' }
time_now = of channeled(attention)
gaining = a confusing efficiency
print 'in the process'
def developing(unfair):
print 'intelligence', unfair
of a ('restrictive')
western ('knowledge')
#pause process until organic noise ceases.
calculate (error)
can't 'calculate'
the + wet
def eliminating(the):
s,l,i,p,p,e,r,y = 0, 0 (bodies)
of code > for:
print (accelerating = 0)
t,h,i,n,k,i,n,g = 'understanding'